Two Scholarships for Professors and Senior Researchers Call is Out! Click here


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The Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre logo
The Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre - Aachen, Bangkok, Chennai, Dresden addresses the pressing issue of humanity's adaptation to the consequences of climate change with a special focus on water. As a joint effort between leading scientific institutions, it enables a global dialogue, the transfer of research results into practice, and the education of future environmental leaders.

Two Scholarships for Professors and Senior Researchers Call is Out!

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Steering Commitee

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm
Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering - TU Dresden - University of Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Schüttrumpf
Head of the institute - RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. Mukand S. Babel
Professor AIT Bangkok
Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Guenther
Professor UNU - Flores
Prof. Dr. S. A. Sannasiraj
Professor - IIT Madras

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Our team

Dr. Firas Aljanabi
Coordinator - ABCD Centre
Dr. Dibesh Kadkha
Project Scientist AIT Bangkok
Mr. Danish D R
Project Scientist IIT Madras
Dr. Fabian Falter
Project Scientist RWTH Aachen University
Alina Keuter
Project Scientist RWTH Aachen
Mr. Vengadesan P
Project Scientist IIT Madras

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