A seminar on water quality and sediment transport

A seminar on water quality and sediment transport

developed by

Ms. Karen L. Rojas-Gomez

Ms. Karen L. Rojas-Gomez, a visiting researcher from the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany, delivered a seminar to the Masters and Ph.D. students of the Water Engineering and Management (WEM) program of the Asian Institute of Thailand (AIT) on 08 Nov 2023. Hosted by Dr. Dibesh Khadka, Senior Research Specialist at WEM, the seminar explored the critical theme of “Urban Particles and Heavy Metals in Stormwater Networks: Monitoring and Modeling”. Ms. Rojas presented fundamental concepts concerning contaminant transport within urban rivers, shedding light on its adverse implications for water quality. She proposed a new approach to modeling the sediment transport through the stormwater network. Furthermore, the seminar emphasized the role of institutional guidelines in the management of water quality within urban waterways.

Ms. Rojas is currently engaged in a 3-month research stay at AIT funded by the Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre (ABCD-Centre)